Getting in Gear
The huge success of German technical industries has created serious demand for high quality professional translations from German to English and also English to German. Technical translation, and the German language in particular, presents challenges which require a skilled translator with technical knowledge, experience, meticulous attention to detail, and a good sense of how to use language today. The goal must be to produce clear, readable, usable translations which give unambiguous instruction to the reader in a way that they can readily understand and rely on. Anything less would be not just a loss but a liability, as well as a disservice to the original text, its author and to the provider of the product or service.
The professional translator also needs to possess curiosity and the desire to learn, and to develop understanding of new fields and technology. It is also important to keep up with current technical developments and the correct language required to represent them in a professional manner.
To really stand out, a translation has to be more than accurate; it has to be idiomatic and culturally comprehensible. Even in writing there are echoes of the sounds, accents, rhythms and tones we pick up from voices; translating these properly is both a skill and an art, developed through experience and observation, bringing with it real rewards in the process.

Auto Technik Germany

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