A fond goodbye to the king of CAT – It was with great shock and sadness that the translation community learned of the death of Emilio Benito on Sunday, February 8, 2004 at the age of 56 from complications arising from cancer and its treatment. Emilio earned himself a great many friends in the industry due to the innovative strengths of the Déjà Vu translation memory software system he created, his constant willingness to listen to and act on feedback and his indefatigable support for any users experiencing problems, sometimes nothing to do with the software itself, at any time of the day or night, seven days a week.
Déjà Vu is known as the Ferrari among TM tools. However, some of you may remember that I have a serious performance issue relating to my large terminology database that makes Déjà Vu feel more like a Goggomobil (I remember them well, because my uncle used to have one, and I had a pedal-powered model) than a Ferrari!
Readers who are not familiar with the (hi)story of this classic example of (non-Audi) ‘Vorsprung durch Technik‘ will find the corresponding Wikipedia page illuminating. A 50-year Goggomobil anniversary tribute published in Der Spiegel in 2005 even mentions Ferrari and Goggomobil in the same article! The possibility that this article provided inspiration for the term Goggomobil effect or Goggo effect, as it became known, cannot be ruled out.
Incidentally, although one of Herbert’s uncles used to be a proud Goggomobil owner, his father had developed an affinity for Italian technology, as evidenced by a Lambretta scooter, followed by a memorable Fiat 600, shown here with Herbert in the driving seat 😂