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Members of the Claverton Energy Discussion Group

supported by HE Translations

Jo AbbessEnergy researcher and author. Currently reading for a second book on Renewable Gas for IoP
Dave AndrewsEx technical expert at the Joint Research Centre, European Commission, focusing on power generation and combined heat and power district heating, following a long career in small scale combined heat and power generation. He was founder member of the AIEP, which became the AEP and now the Electricity Association. Also founded the Claverton Energy Group. Currently involved with developing and building small local waste to energy CHP plants. In the 1980s working for Caterpillar dealer Leverton was responsible for pushing the then considered crackpot idea that reciprocating plant could out-compete central plant for both peaking grid duties and gas engine CHP generation. Whilst at the Open University Energy Research Group demonstrated that gas engine CHP even at 50 house scale was economic. Dave is also a driving force of the Bath & Bristol Trams campaign.Claverton Energy
Bath & Bristol Trams
Dave on LinkedIn
Keith BakerResearch Fellow in Fuel Poverty and Energy Policy, Glasgow Caledonian University; Member of the Board of Directors and Convenor of the Energy Working Group, Common Weal; Member of the Board of Directors, Scientists for Global Responsibility; Director of Professional Engagement, Pattiesmuir Ltd.EnergyPovertyResearch
Michael BaldwinMichael has experience of environmental campaigning as a volunteer with a Friends of the Earth local group, especially supporting wind farms. He has a long standing interest in renewable energy and low carbon living, including previously running a biodiesel cooperative. His professional work through his own consultancy company supports the development and management of EU-funded research projects.Engedi Science Ltd
Mark BarrettMark Barrett has a PhD in Energy Modelling and is Professor of Energy and Environmental System Modelling at UCL. He has forty five years experience working as a civil servant, consultant, company director and academic. Mark has worked for Non Governmental Organisations, the European Commission, the European Environment Agency, UK Government, local authorities, and private companies. He models policies for managing energy use and greenhouse gas, acid and air pollution emissions across the major sectors of demand (buildings, industry, transport: road, rail, shipping, aviation) and supply (fossil, nuclear, renewables), at scales from city to national and international. His recent research has focused on net zero emission energy system design, with a focus on options for decarbonising heat and cool supply, and aviation fuelling and providing negative emissions.LinkedIn
John BirchmoreOver 40 years’ international experience in consultancy, project design and implementation in forestry and forest industries as well as in energy from biomass and latterly residual waste. Current focus is on small scale (typically less than 6MWe) combined heat and power from waste projects and campaigning to ensure energy from waste only permitted when high overall energy recovery as heat and power is achieved.SHREWS
Baltic Renewable Energy
Bill BordassBill has a particular interest in how buildings actually work technically, environmentally, and for their users. With a PhD in physical chemistry, in 1971 he joined the architectural and engineering firm RMJM London to work on materials, technical support and preparing briefs for laboratory buildings. After taking a town planning course, he also worked on social surveys for regional plans, environmental impact studies of roads and automated public transport, and coordinating environmental engineering consultants into architectural projects. In 1975 he became associate in charge of building services engineering. Projects included facilities for pilgrims in Saudi Arabia, the University of York’s energy conservation programme (including direct digital control and alterations to its District Heating system) and NFU Mutual’s low-energy head office at Stratford-upon-Avon. As a consultant, he also investigated failures of materials, engineering systems, comfort and energy performance, and brought in human factors specialists.

In 1984 he set up William Bordass Associates to do research, strategy, monitoring and troubleshooting on the performance of existing, new and historic buildings. The included overseeing the monitoring of energy demonstration projects in commercial buildings including heat pumps and CHP, studies of environments in the roof spaces of historic buildings, case studies of energy use in offices, and research management for the Building Research Establishment into lower-energy buildings and more user-friendly controls. From 1995-2002 he also worked on the twenty PROBE studies of the actual performance in use of recently-completed buildings, which were published in the CIBSE Journal.

In 2000 he helped to set up the Usable Buildings Trust charity, which undertakes research and collects and disseminates information on how buildings actually work. Projects include helping to develop the Display Energy Certificate system for public and commercial buildings in the UK and EU, the associated Landlord’s Energy Statement. He has also worked on energy benchmarking systems in Australia and California. To encourage and assist clients, designers and builders to focus on in-use performance, he helped to develop the Soft Landings process and a culture of New Professionalism. Recently he has been working with the Better Buildings Partnership to its Design for Performance scheme, which aims to eliminate the notorious gaps between design estimates and in-use performance for new and refurbished buildings, starting with prime rented offices. He received CIBSE’s low-carbon pioneer award in 2008 and an OBE in 2013.

In 2020 he is developing a new charity, the Do It Now Foundation, which will bring together people who are undertaking building projects that aim to be simpler, better and more sustainable.
Usable Buildings
Gerald BraunGerry is a solar industry veteran who also organized and led renewable energy R&D programs for Southern California Edison, the USDOE, Pacific Gas and Electric, the California Energy Commission and UC Davis. In retirement he works to advance collaborative local energy integration in the USIRESN, Inc.
Stephen BrowningElectricity Operations and Market-Operations-Fuel Modelling expert. Trying to get common sense into Future Energy delivery, especially Integration of Distributed and Variable
Eoin ClancyWorked with Arup Research and Development and Arup Building group (London) on building simulation, CFD, and HVAC design/specification for commercial and public developments. Employed as a research fellow with IESD, De Montfort University, and completed research and a PhD thesis in 2000 (including measurement of flows, and internal conditions) relating to the natural ventilation system used in the Queens Building main auditorium, DMU, Leicester. Main findings indicated the effectiveness of the system in provided adequate ventilation all year round and its ability to maintain comfortable conditions in summer (due to the air flows, orientation (limited solar gains) and effective thermal mass of the space) despite relatively high internal heat gains, and elevated external temperatures (in summer).

Senior Lecturer in Coventry University and involved with Building Services teaching programme (1995 to 2000).
Currently teaching in Dundalk Institute of Technology (since 2002) in the areas of solar energy, energy use in buildings, thermodynamics, and HVAC systems. Research active and member of CREDIT (centre of renewable energy at Dundalk IT) who were instrumental in installing the first large campus based wind turbine (850 kW) in the World (2005).
Completed a book for CIBSE on indoor air quality and ventilation in 2011 (KS17: Indoor Air Quality & Ventilation).
External examiner for Waterford, and Letterkenny Institute of Technologies and active external reviewer of mechanical engineering courses for Engineers Ireland.
Neil Crumpton
John Daglish
Shlomo DowenNational Coordinator of the United Kingdom Without Incineration Network (UKWIN)UKWIN
Paul DorfmanDr Paul Dorfman is Honorary Senior Research Associate at the UCL Energy Institute, University College London; Founder of the Nuclear Consulting Group; Member of the Irish Govt. Environment Protection Agency Radiation Protection Advisory Committee; Member of the International Nuclear Risk Assessment Group; Consultant to Greenpeace Environmental Trust. Paul served as Secretary to the UK Govt. scientific advisory Committee Examining Radiation Risks from Internal Emitters; led the European Environment Agency response to Fukushima; appointed Expert to the European Economic and Social Committee; served as Advisor to the UK Ministry of Defence Nuclear Submarine Dismantling Project; and was invited to advise the French Govt. Assemblee Nationale relative à la 'Faisabilité Technique et Financière du Démantèlement des Installations Nucléaire'.Nuclear Consulting Group
David ElliottEmeritus Professor of Technology Policy at the Open University who has focussed of renewable energy policy. See his bimonthly Renew newsletter and weekly IoP blog posts.Renew newsletter
Physicsworld blog
Herbert EppelProfessional German/English translations since 1995. Main subject areas include engineering, technology and science, with particular focus on renewable energy, environment and sustainable development. Recent translation projects include a Definitive Guide for Commercial and Industrial Battery Storage and Prof. Volker Quaschning's text book on Renewable Energy and Climate Change.
Herbert is also a founder member of Pro Wind Alliance.
Pro Wind Alliance
Leon FrerisRetired Professor in Renewable Energy systems Technology. Founding member of the Centre for Renewable Energy Systems Technology (CREST) at Loughborough University.CREST
Lyn HarrisonLyn Harrison is an energy transition strategist and communications adviser. Through a 25 year period as owner-editor of Windpower Monthly, a renowned renewable energy business publication she co-founded in 1985, Lyn built a specialist knowledge of how to shape clean, reliable and affordable energy systems that will bring prosperity to future generations.

Through editorial leadership and conference platform activity, Lyn has played an influential thought-leadership role at the heart of the global wind power business for the best part of 35 years. Following the successful sale of Windpower Monthly to Haymarket Business Media in London she founded InsightWind in 2012 as an expert knowledge centre for information on wind power, the industry and its markets, with a focus on communications activity.

Lyn is a qualified British journalist with more than 40 years experience in media and public relations. Passionate about maintaining and furthering the science and art of excellent journalism, Lyn applies her 35 years of editing experience to mentoring writers and editors and applying finishing touches to stories in the pre-press process. She also advises mainly energy companies, but also policy specialists and law makers, on their outward communications.

As Editorial Director for the FORESIGHT range of publications since 2016, including FORESIGHT Climate & Energy and FORESIGHT Global Health, Lyn draws on a lifetime of journalistic experience and involvement in business start-ups to advise and mentor the editorial and publishing teams.

Lyn moved from England to Denmark in 1982 where she founded a media consultancy to drive excellence in good (English) communications. The Danish wind industry was an early beneficiary. Her Danish husband is a former chief editor of photography and graphics at Denmark’s largest newspaper, once a virulent anti-wind power publication. She is the excessively proud mother and step-mother of two frighteningly successful kids, both of whom have made and continue to make transformative contributions to facilitating the energy transition.

Lyn keeps sane in this crazy world with frequent golf and tennis, having given up yacht racing and competitive horse riding on the advice of long suffering surgeons who keep her going with titanium replacements for worn out and broken parts. She skis and hikes mountain trails during winter months spent at the alternative “home office” in southern Spain.
Lloyd Helferty
Roger HitchinSemi-retired buildings and energy consultant, previously with British Gas, BRE and various other organisations. Currently interested in interactions between energy supply and demand (especially in buildings).LinkedIn
Chris Hodrien
Rod JanssenRod Janssen, based in London and Paris, is an expert in sustainable energy policies and gives special focus to how to communicate sustainable energy issues to a wide variety of audiences. Rod is President and Chairman of the Board of the Brussels-based organisation Energy Efficiency in Industrial Processes. For EEIP, he also chairs its work on financing and represents EEIP at the Energy Efficiency Financial Institutions Group, organised by the European Commission and UNEP FI. Rod is also a board member of the European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (eceee). In 2012, Rod created the web service, Energy in Demand, to reach wider audiences globally through the use the web and social media. It is now one of the most popular blogs on the energy transition in Europe.Energy in Demand
Roberto Lacal Arántegui
Researcher at the Joint Research Centre, European Commission, focusing on techno-economic assessment of renewable energies and in particular of wind energy. He was responsible for launching the annual series of JRC wind status reports, focused on technological, market and economic aspects of wind power. Before, Roberto worked in the air transport field, in air traffic control and management. In the field of energy, he worked in the former consultancy GfE Energy Management, whose Spanish branch he co-founded and where he became experienced in energy markets and energy efficiency in industry. At the European Commission, he also worked in the Impact Assessment of legislative proposals at DG TREN (now DG Energy).LinkedIn
Mike Langan
Rachel LeeElectrical engineer with 30 years experience in development construction and operation of distributed generation, CHP and renewables. Has held roles in energy regulation, public and private sector in the UK and Australia. Developed and maintains community wind project and currently working on a PhD at Sheffield University looking at the role of human behaviour in the uptake of electric vehicles and vehicle to grid services.
Jeremy LeggettJeremy is a social entrepreneur and author, founder and a director of Solarcentury and founder and chair of SolarAid, a charity set up with Solarcentury profits, winner of a BITC Unilever Global Development Award. An Entrepreneur of the Year at the New Energy Awards, he was the first Hillary Laureate for International Leadership in Climate Change.Jeremy Leggett
David Lowry
David MilborrowMechanical engineer with over 40 years experience in renewable energy (principally wind). Formerly worked for the Central Electricity Generating Board and was closely involved with plans for the UK's first wind farms. Independent consultant since 1992, with clients in public and private sectors. Principal specialisms – the integration of variable renewables in electricity networks, and cost comparisons between the renewable energy sources and the "conventional" sources.
Roy Morrison
David Olivier
William Orchard
Andre PinhoChartered Engineer, specialises in digital technologies, community energy & EV charging. Co-founder & CTO Paua, Founder of Brixton Energy, Board Member of Repowering.Paua
Richard PriestleyBlogger, speaker and activist with a focus on ecological sustainability and social justice. Wide ranging interests include renewable energy, regenerative land use, emerging cleantech, political and cultural change, Green Party, Extinction Rebellion/School Strikes for Climate.Richard Priestley
Alan SimpsonAlan Simpson was the Shadow Chancellor’s Advisor on Sustainable Economics from 2017-2020. Prior to this, he been the Labour MP for Nottingham South from 1992 until 2010; being responsible for the Feed in Tariff amendments inserted in the Energy Act 2008 and chairing the Parliamentary Fuel Poverty Group for over a decade. Since leaving parliament Alan has worked as an independent advisor on energy and climate policies. Now disguised as ‘a recovering politician and lapsed economist’, he works on themes he still hopes might save the planet from its own stupidities.Alan Simpson
Candida Spillard
Fred StarrDr Starr is best known for his 'Recollections', published in Materials World, the house magazine of the Institute of Materials. Here, he takes a sardonic look at what really goes on in the pursuit of knowledge and more importantly, status; while trying to highlight obscure but important bits of materials know-how. In 2016 he was awarded a gold medal by the Institute for a piece entitled 'Lies, Damned Lies, and Nuclear Power'. After graduating in Metallurgy from Battersea College in 1966, Fred’s first real job was to train as a shift engineer on a steam reforming plant at Hitchin.

In 1967, he moved one of British Gas's R&D centres in London, where he was responsible for failure investigation of steam reformers. With the introduction of natural gas, steam reforming largely disappeared, and much of the focus in British Gas R&D switched to developing processes for making substitute natural gas (SNG) from coal and heavy oil. With these, high temperature corrosion was a serious issue, and Fred’s job was to develop alloys capable of resisting attack. This work lasted until about 1985, when all work on SNG stopped, as did the research into high temperature corrosion. Instead, Fred was encouraged to develop concepts for generating electricity using natural gas as a fuel, which is how the British Gas Stirling engine programme started.

Another project initiated by Fred, the closed cycle gas turbine, was vital to his future when in 2004, well after he had left British Gas, he joined the EU’s Institute for Energy, at Petten, in the Netherlands. Here he became their technical specialist on IGCC plants for making hydrogen from coal. He was also responsible for acting as an observer in the implementation of the EU’s Cogeneration Directive. He left Petten in 2007 and has continued to take a deep interest in the British energy scene, including supporting wind energy. Fred regards himself as a late developer, getting his PhD in 2007 and becoming a member of the IMechE, last year.
David TokeDavid Toke is Reader in Energy Politics at the University of Aberdeen. He writes and advises about renewable energy, nuclear power and other electricity related topics. He has over 50 published papers in peer-reviewed journals and seven books. His most recent book is 'Low Carbon Politics' (2018) published by Routledge. He has written a range of influential reports for NGOs including Friends of the Earth, the World Future Council and the Green Parties of both Scotland and England & Wales. He writes an influential blog entitled 'Dave Toke's Green Energy Blog'.Dave Toke's Green Energy Blog
Bruce WakleyRetired. Formerly lead Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) technical specialist at BT, driving the PSTN compaction programme via switch and system software and data changes and helping to prepare the migration to the ultimate VoIP replacement of the PSTN. Currently Leicester FoE treasurer and working on research in support of the reopening of the Ivanhoe line to passenger traffic. Keen hydrogen advocate.Campaign for the Reopening of the Ivanhoe Line (CRIL)
David WardRetired. Chartered electrical engineer and physicist whose whole working career was in the power industry – CEGB, then Nuclear Electric, then Magnox, then some post-retirement consulting. I have done work at/for coal, oil, gas, hydro and nuclear power stations, and on transmission problems. I have even written reports for a developer of a wind farm and of a battery storage system. In my later career I did consultancy work internationally related to nuclear stations and grid connections for WANO, NEA and IAEA and have contributed to publications by those organisations.LinkedIn
Andrew Warren